TS462 Sales in S/4HANA Academy Part II

Del II av sertifiseringen Sales in SAP S/4HANA.

Dager: 10

Pris: 87.800

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Logistics

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Content TS462 Sales academy part II

Condition technique for the definition and maintenance of prices, surcharges, and discounts
Using prices and other conditions in sales documents
Introduction in Condition Contract Management

Controlling billing documents
Creation forms and settlement forms for billing documents
Billing plans and down payments
Revenue account determination features of the SD-FI interface

Delivery processes and customizing
Controlling outbound deliveries
The Goods Issue Process based on the outbound delivery
Processes and Functions based on the delivery with Embedded EWM

Cross Functional Topics
Impact of Organizational Structures
Modifying Copy Control
Set up Text Control
Set up Output
Get an overview of performing system modifications and using enhancement technology

Certification examination for SAP Certified Application Associate

Application Consultant
Business Analyst
Solution Architect

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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