BOW310 SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: Report Design

Klasserom situasjon Bouvet Kurs

Dager: 2

Pris: 17.560

Kurskategori: SAP

Underkategori: Business Intelligence BusinessObjects

This 2-day instructor-led course is designed to give you the comprehensive skills and in-depth knowledge needed to access, analyze and share data using SAP BusinessObjects BI launch pad and SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence™. You will learn how to create Web Intelligence documents for your reporting needs, to retrieve data by building queries using SAP BusinessObjects universes and to use Web Intelligence to enhance documents for easier analysis. You’ll also learn how to organize, manage and distribute documents using the BI launch pad.


  • Introducing Web Intelligence
  • Creating Web Intelligence Documents with Queries
  • Restricting Data Returned by a Query
  • Designing Web Intelligence Documents
  • Enhancing the Presentation of Data in Documents
  • Formatting Web Intelligence Documents
  • Calculating Data with Formulas and Variables
  • Using Multiple Data Sources
  • Analyzing Data
  • Managing and Sharing Web Intelligence Documents


  • Manage personal and corporate documents to access the information you need, when you need it.
  • Design your own reports using Web Intelligence and share your analysis with other users


Report designers who need to access and analyze information using the BI launch pad and Web Intelligence.


  • SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence: Report Design
  • Designing Web Intelligence documents

Course based on software release
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0


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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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