PRINCE2 Agile combines the flexibility and responsiveness of agile with the clearly defined framework of PRINCE2®.
Pris: 10500 inkl. e-bok og eksamensvoucher
Kurskategori: Prosjektledelse
PRINCE2 Agile has been created for those organisations and individuals who use PRINCE2 but recognise the benefits of applying agile methods. It provides guidance on how to practically apply both PRINCE2 and agile, reducing conflict and implementing effectively, allowing you to benefit from the best of both worlds. Duration
This course will take you approximately 20 hours to complete.
By the end of this PRINCE2 Agile course you should:
This course includes the following:
Optional extras:
Important: Please note you will require a copy of the official PRINCE2 Agile manual for the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner learning and exam. This is not included in the cost of the learning. Should you wish to purchase the manual you, please contac us.
Hardcopy official manual:
If you decide to purchase the hardcopy official manual as an optional extra your manual will be shipped to your chosen address within 48 hours of purchase.
Hardcopy process map:
If you decide to purchase the hardcopy process map as an optional extra it will be shipped to your chosen address within 48 hours of purchase.
Exams are taken online via remote proctor. You will be sent an email invitation within 48 hours of your purchase to register on the Peoplecert portal. Once registered you will be able to book your online exam at a date and time of your choice. You are responsible for booking your own exam. For more information about how to take your exam and the technical requirements, please click here.
Please note: We would like to inform you that during open book exams candidates can use only official hard copy books or softcopy e-books available only through VitalSource on a secondary device.
Recertification: This certification has a renew within three years of the award date to remain current. There are multiple ways to recertify, more information regarding the options can be found here.
Exam format
In order to take the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner examination, a candidate must hold a current version of any of the below certifications:
Kontakt for påmelding!
The PRINCE2 Agile® Practitioner course is provided by ILX Group, an ATO of PeopleCert.
PRINCE2 Agile® is a registered trademark of the PeopleCert group. Used under licence from PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
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