Kurset vil gi deg en dypere forståelse av PRINCE2 sine prosesser, temaer og teknikker samt hvordan disse kan tilpasses ulike prosjekters omgivelser og forutsetninger. Kurset forbereder deg til sertifiseringseksamen på Practitionernivå og krever sertifisering på Foundationnivå.
Pris: 10500 inkl. eksamensvoucher og sertifiseringsgaranti*
Kurskategori: Prosjektledelse
Kontakt kurs@bouvet.no for påmelding!
*Sertifiseringsgaranti - består du ikke første forsøk på eksamen er andre forsøk inkludert i kursavgiften.
Under kurset vil du lære hvordan du effektivt kan anvende metodikken og skreddersy den til driften av et prosjekt. Kursinnholdet forbereder deg for å ta PRINCE2 Practitioner-eksamen. Estimert tid for gjennomføring av kurset er ca. 20 timer.
Kurset følger PRINCE2 7 pensum.
PRINCE2 themes
By the end of the PRINCE2 Practitioner e-learning course you should be able to:
*Apply the PRINCE2 principles in context
*Apply and tailor relevant aspects of PRINCE2 themes in context
*Apply and tailor relevant aspects of PRINCE2 processes in context
Project managers and aspiring project managers.
It is also relevant to other key staff involved in the design, development and delivery of projects, including:
*Project board members (e.g. senior responsible owners)
*Team managers (e.g. product delivery managers)
*Project assurance (e.g. business change analysts)
*Project support (e.g. project and programme office personnel)
*Operational line managers/staff
· PRINCE2® 6th Edition (Foundation or Practitioner)*
· PRINCE2®7 Foundation
· Project Management Qualification (PMQ)
· Project Professional Qualification (PPQ)
· Project Management Professional (PMP)®
· Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)®
· IPMA Level A® (Certified Projects Director)
· IPMA Level B® (Certified Senior Project Manager)
· IPMA Level C® (Certified Project Manager)
· IPMA Level D® (Certified Project Management Associate)
*På grunn av omfanget av endringene mellom versjoner, vil ikke PRINCE2® 5th Edition og alle andre tidligere versjoner bli akseptert som forkunnskaper for PRINCE2®7 Practitioner.
Viktig: Hvis du allerede har PRINCE2 6th Edition Foundation, har du muligheten til å ta PRINCE2 7 Practitioner direkte. For kontinuitet anbefaler vi imidlertid å fortsette reisen og fullføre PRINCE2 6th Edition Practitioner.
This course includes the following:
Optional extras:
Important !!
Please note you will require a copy of the official PRINCE2 7 manual for the Practitioner e-learning and exam. This is not included in the cost of the course. Should you wish to purchase the manual, please place an order with the purchase of the e-learning course.
Exams are taken online via remote proctor. You will be sent an email invitation within 48 hours of your purchase to register on the Peoplecert portal. Once registered you will be able to book your online exam at a date and time of your choice. You are responsible for booking your own exam. Find out more about how to take your exam and the technical requirements.
Please note: We would like to inform you that during open book exams candidates can use only official hard copy books or softcopy e-books available only through VitalSource on a secondary device.
Recertification: This certification has a renew within three years of the award date to remain current. There are multiple ways to recertify, find out more information regarding the recertification options.
Exam format
Please note: If your native language is different from the exam language you receive 25% more time to complete your exam.
Important : Please note you will require a copy of the official PRINCE2 6th Edition manual for the PRINCE2 Practitioner learning and exam. This is not included in the cost of the learning. Should you wish to purchase the manual please contact kurs@bouvet.no
Kontakt kurs@bouvet.no for påmelding!
The PRINCE2® Practitioner course is provided by ILX Group, an ATO of PeopleCert.
PRINCE2® is a registered trademark of the PeopleCert group. Used under licence from PeopleCert. All rights reserved.
Finner du ikke det helt optimale kurset eller kombinasjonen av kurs? Da ordner vi det - sammen. Vi kan tilrettelegge kurs slik at de inneholder akkurat det dere har behov for. Vi kan sette opp et helt nytt kurs, eller tilpasse eksisterende kurs og materiell. Flere medarbeidere kan selvfølgelig også samles til et eget felles kurs, for maksimal effektivitet. Ta kontakt med meg for et forslag til gjennomføring og et tilbud basert på deres behov.