PRINCE2® Agile Practitioner

Kurset tar utgangspunkt i smidige metoder som Scrum, Kanban og Lean StartUp, og viser hvordan PRINCE2s 7 prinsipper, 7 prosesser og 7 tema brukes for å styre prosjektet mot leveranse til et felles business case.

Varighet: 3 dager, kl. 08:00-16:00

Pris: 17500 inkl. e-bok, kursmateriell, eksamensvoucher

Kurskategori: Prosjektledelse

Smidige teknikker er en effektiv metode for å drive utviklingsarbeid, mens PRINCE2® er en effektiv måte å styre prosjekter for å sikre kontroll på både ressursbruk og resultater. Metodene er i stor grad bygget på de samme prinsippene hvor det å skape verdi skal være det viktigste grunnlaget for prosjektets eksistens.

  • Hvordan passer disse metodene sammen?
  • Hvordan etablere en prosjektorganisasjon slik at smidige teknikker kan brukes effektivt uten at man mister kontroll over fremdrift, ressursbruk og resultater?
  • Hvordan tilpasses andre arbeidspakker til at deler av prosjektet bruker smidige metoder?

PRINCE2 Agile er et rammeverk for hvordan PRINCE2 brukes når deler eller hele prosjektproduktet leveres med smidige metoder og gir deg som prosjektleder forståelse for hvordan PRINCE2 metoden bør brukes som rammeverk for å ivareta både god framdrift, kontroll og høy kvalitet i hele prosjektleveransen i et smidig prosjekt.

Kurset leveres i samarbeid med Sopra Steria.



Course description

Purpose of the PRINCE2 Agile Foundation Certificate

The PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner certificate is designed to help professionals deliver agile projects by tailoring PRINCE2 management controls with a broad toolset of agile delivery techniques and frameworks. The PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner teaches you to blend structure, governance and control with agile methods, techniques and approaches. Practitioner takes the knowledge acquired at Foundation level and applies it to the workplace, using real-world management examples.

The certification will help you to:

Understand PRINCE2 governance requirements clearly and comprehensively

Gain a broad range of knowledge of agile concepts and techniques including: Scrum, Kanban, Lean Start-up and Cynefin

Explore the interface between PRINCE2 and agile ways of working.



To take the PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner examination, you must hold PRINCE2 Agile Foundation or any PRINCE2 certification.

Other accepted certificates are: Project Management Professional® (PMP), Certified Associate in Project Management® (CAPM), IMPA Levels A, B, C and D®(Certified Projects Director).

PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner certificates are valid for 3 years. To remain accredited, Practitioners can re-sit the exam, or log CPD points through our online subscription, My PRINCE2.


Target Audience

  • PRINCE2 Agile Practitioner is aimed at professionals who work within a project environment, including key staff involved with integrating project management with product delivery.
  • An understanding of the agile concepts detailed in PRINCE2 Agile will also be beneficial to those with governance responsibilities for projects using agile delivery approaches as well as those involved with programme and project support functions.
  • It is a must-have certification for both project managers and non-project management professionals to deliver value to their employers and enhance their careers.

Booking an exam where prerequisites apply

Please ensure that before you book an exam where a prerequisite is required, that you hold verified proof of completion of that prerequisite (i.e. certificate, or letter from AXELOS or former Examination Institute confirming you hold a current certification). Your examination results will be withheld until the correct prerequisite is provided to PeopleCert. If you are unable to provide the required prerequisite, then you will need to successfully complete the prerequisite before the higher-level exam result is released.

Exam Format

  • Objective testing
  • 50 questions each worth one mark
  • 30 marks or more required to pass out of 50 questions: 60% pass mark
  • Two-and-a-half hours’ (150 minutes) duration, no additional reading time
  • Open book exam. Candidates may use the official printed hard copy of the PRINCE2 Agile® Guidance. The manual may be annotated and tabulated but no sticky notes and loose leaf papers containing additional notes will be allowed.
  • During Open Book examinations you have the option to use your Official Core Guidance Paperback Book, if you have one, or your Official Core Guidance eBook. Learn more here.

Bouvet is a Licensed Affiliate of Sopra Steria ,
which is a PeopleCert® Accredited Training Organization (ATO)
for the PRINCE2® Agile Course. PRINCE2® Agile is a
registered trademark of AXELOS Limited, used under
permission of AXELOS Limited. The Swirl logo™ is a
trademark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission
of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

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Nina Alfstad Sæther
Produktansvarlig kurs