AZ-500 Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

Dager: 4

Pris: 27000

Kurskategori: Microsoft

Underkategori: Microsoft Azure

In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain the security posture, and identify and remediate vulnerabilities by using a variety of security tools. The course covers scripting and automation, virtualization, and cloud N-tier architecture.


Students should have at least one year of hands-on experience securing Azure workloads and experience with security controls for workloads on Azure.


  • Describe specialized data classifications on Azure
  • Identify Azure data protection mechanisms
  • Implement Azure data encryption methods
  • Secure Internet protocols and how to implement them on Azure
  • Describe Azure security services and features

Course prerequisites

Students should have at least one year of hands-on experience securing Azure workloads and experience with security controls for workloads on Azure.

Våre virtuelle MS Azure kurs blir tatt opp. Opptaket blir tilgjengelig ca. 48 timer etter siste kursdag. Du har tilgang til opptaket i 365 dager.


Module 1: Identity and Access

-Configure Azure Active Directory for Azure workloads and subscriptions
-Configure Azure AD Privileged Identity Management
-Configure security for an Azure subscription

Module 2: Platform Protection

-Understand cloud security
-Build a network
-Secure network
-Implement host security
-Implement platform security
-Implement subscription security

Module 3: Security Operations

-Configure security services
-Configure security policies by using Azure Security Center
-Manage security alerts
-Respond to and remediate security issues
-Create security baselines

Module 4: Data and applications

-Configure security policies to manage data
-Configure security for data infrastructure
-Configure encryption for data at rest
-Understand application security
-Implement security for application lifecycle
-Secure applications
-Configure and manage Azure Key Vault

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Finner du ikke det helt optimale kurset eller kombinasjonen av kurs? Da ordner vi det - sammen. Vi kan tilrettelegge kurs slik at de inneholder akkurat det dere har behov for. Vi kan sette opp et helt nytt kurs, eller tilpasse eksisterende kurs og materiell. Flere medarbeidere kan selvfølgelig også samles til et eget felles kurs, for maksimal effektivitet. Ta kontakt med meg for et forslag til gjennomføring og et tilbud basert på deres behov.

Henrik Buzzi