AZ-1001 Deploy and manage containers using Azure Kubernetes service

Dager: 1

Pris: 9900

Kurskategori: Microsoft

Underkategori: Microsoft Azure

In this learning path, you practice deploying containers, container orchestration, and managing clusters on Azure Kubernetes Service. The skills validated include deploying, configuring, and scaling an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster. Also, deploying an Azure Container Registry instance and deploying an application into an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster.

Course prerequisites 

  • Experience using the Azure portal to create resources.
  • Basic knowledge of security concepts like identities, permissions, and encryption.
  • Basic knowledge of networking concepts like virtual networks and subnetting.
  • Basic knowledge of Azure Policy and Azure Kubernetes Service concepts.


Module 1 Plan an Azure Kubernetes Service deployment

In this module, you learn about the core Kubernetes infrastructure components, including control plane nodes, node pools, and workload resources such as pods, deployments, and sets.

Module 2 Deploy and use Azure Container Registry

Learn how to create a private registry service for building, storing, and managing container images and related artifacts.

Module 3 Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

In this module, you learn how to create an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster, configure its components, and connect to it using kubectl commands.

Module 4 Configure an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

Use Azure Policy to enforce policies and safeguards on your Kubernetes clusters at scale. Azure Policy Ensures that your cluster is secure, compliant, and consistent across your organization.

Module 5 Deploy applications to Azure Kubernetes Service

This module covers how to provision an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster and validate the effect of Azure Policy.

Module 6 Configure scaling in Azure Kubernetes Service

This module covers the scaling applications in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), including manually scaling pods or nodes and integrating with Azure Container Instances (ACI).

Module 7 Guided Project - Deploy applications to Azure Kubernetes Service

Welcome to this interactive skills validation experience. Completing this module helps prepare you for the Deploy and manage containers with Azure Kubernetes Service assessment.

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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