DP-603 Implementing Real Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric

Dager: 1

Pris: 9900

Kurskategori: Microsoft

In this learning path, the student is exposed to various ways to:

  • Source streaming data sources into Microsoft Fabric.
  • Use real time Eventstream in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric.
  • Create real time dashboards in Microsoft Fabric.

Target audience

Students wishing to Implement Real-Time Analytics with Microsoft Fabric.

Course objectiver

Students will learn to,

  • Get started with Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric
  • Use real time eventstreams in Microsoft Fabric
  • Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric

Course prerequisites

The student should be able to:

  • Log in to the Azure portal.
  • Explain and create resource groups.
  • Understand the concept of streaming data.


Module 1: Get started with Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric

  • Describe Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric
  • Create Real-Time Analytics databases and tables
  • Use KQL to query tables

Module 2: Use real time eventstreams in Microsoft Fabric

  • Establish source and destinations in Eventstream
  • View the data in-flight in eventstream items
  • Capture, transform, and route data using Eventstream

Module 3: Query data in a KQL database in Microsoft Fabric

  • Use basic syntax and of Kusto Query Language (KQL).
  • Understand the basics of the Queryset canvas.
  • Describe how to execute T-SQL queries in the Queryset canvas.
  • Describe how to convert T-SQL queries into KQL queries.

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Heidi Jakobsen Strømme
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