This course covers methods and practices for implementing and managing enterprise-scale data analytics solutions using Microsoft Fabric. Students will build on existing analytics experience and will learn how to use Microsoft Fabric components, including lakehouses, data warehouses, notebooks, dataflows, data pipelines, and semantic models, to create and deploy analytics assets.
This course is best suited for those who have the PL-300 certification or similar expertise in using Power BI for data transformation, modeling, visualization, and sharing. Also, learners should have prior experience in building and deploying data analytics solutions at the enterprise level.
Target audience
The primary audience for this course is data professionals with experience in data modeling, extraction, and analytics. DP-600 is designed for
professionals who want to use Microsoft Fabric to create and deploy enterprise-scale data analytics solutions.
During this session you will learn to transform data into reusable Data pipelines analytics assets by using Microsoft Fabric components, such as:
MODULE 1: Ingest Data with Dataflows Gen2 in Microsoft Fabric
MODULE 2: Ingest data with Spark and Microsoft Fabric notebooks
MODULE 3: Use Data Factory pipelines in Microsoft Fabric
MODULE 4: Get started with lakehouses in Microsoft Fabric
MODULE 5: Organize a Fabric lakehouse using medallion architecture design
MODULE 6: Use Apache Spark in Microsoft Fabric
MODULE 7: Work with Delta Lake tables in Microsoft Fabric
MODULE 8: Get started with data warehouses in Microsoft Fabric
MODULE 9: Load data into a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse
MODULE 10: Query a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric
MODULE 11: Monitor a Microsoft Fabric data warehouse
MODULE 12: Understand scalability in Power BI
MODULE 13: Create Power BI model relationships
MODULE 14: Use tools to optimize Power BI performance
MODULE 15: Enforce Power BI model security
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