This course teaches IT Professionals how to manage their Azure subscriptions, secure identities, administer the infrastructure, configure virtual networking, connect Azure and on-premises sites, manage network traffic, implement storage solutions, create and scale virtual machines, implement web apps and containers, back up and share data, and monitor your solution.
This course is for Azure Administrators. The Azure Administrator implements, manages, and monitors identity, governance, storage, compute, and virtual networks in a cloud environment. The Azure Administrator will provision, size, monitor, and adjust resources as appropriate.
Successful Azure Administrators start this role with experience on operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.
Våre virtuelle MS Azure kurs blir tatt opp. Opptaket blir tilgjengelig ca. 48 timer etter siste kursdag. Du har tilgang til opptaket i 365 dager.
-Azure Active Directory
-Users and Groups
Module 2: Governance and Compliance
-Subscriptions and Accounts
-Azure Policy
-Role-based Access Control (RBAC)
Module 3: Azure Administration
-Azure Resource Manager
-Azure Portal and Cloud Shell
-Azure PowerShell and CLI
-ARM Templates
-Virtual Networks
-IP Addressing
-Network Security groups
-Azure Firewall
-Azure DNS
Module 5: Intersite Connectivity
-VNet Peering
-VPN Gateway Connections
-ExpressRoute and Virtual WAN
Module 6: Network Traffic Management
-Network Routing and Endpoints
-Azure Load Balancer
-Azure Application Gateway
-Traffic Manager
-Storage Accounts
-Blob Storage
-Storage Security
-Azure Files and File Sync
-Managing Storage
Module 8: Azure Virtual Machines
-Virtual Machine Planning
-Creating Virtual Machines
-Virtual Machine Availability
-Virtual Machine Extensions
Module 9: Serverless Computing
-Azure App Service Plans
-Azure App Service
-Container Services
-Azure Kubernetes Service
-File and Folder Backups
-Virtual Machine Backup
-Azure Monitor
-Azure Alerts
-Log Analytics
-Network Watcher
Finner du ikke det helt optimale kurset eller kombinasjonen av kurs? Da ordner vi det - sammen. Vi kan tilrettelegge kurs slik at de inneholder akkurat det dere har behov for. Vi kan sette opp et helt nytt kurs, eller tilpasse eksisterende kurs og materiell. Flere medarbeidere kan selvfølgelig også samles til et eget felles kurs, for maksimal effektivitet. Ta kontakt med meg for et forslag til gjennomføring og et tilbud basert på deres behov.